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WordPress is the world’s most popular open source content management system (CMS) used by millions of websites and blogs. With over 40% of all websites on the internet powered by WordPress, it has a massive developer and user community supporting it.

The latest major release is WordPress 6.5.2 which comes with some exciting new features and improvements. This includes a big change to Full Site Editing, a brand new default theme built with blocks, enhancements to artificial intelligence (AI) powered features, additional customization options, and more.


This article provides an overview of the key additions and updates in WordPress version 6.5.2 that users should know about.

Full Site Editing

Full Site Editing (FSE) allows you to build complete WordPress sites using blocks. Introduced in WordPress 5.9, it lets you use blocks throughout your site, rather than just in posts and pages.


In WordPress 6.5.2, Full Site Editing has received several enhancements:

  • The editor has been improved with a new block inserter and style selector for better usability.
  • Template part blocks now allow you to create reusable sections of content.
  • Template visibility settings provide more control over which templates are used on your site.
  • New block patterns have been added, like headers, footers, and 404 page templates to help build sites faster.
  • Full width alignment can now be set for the cover block to extend content to the edges of the screen.
  • Numerous bug fixes and performance improvements have been implemented.

Overall, the changes in 6.5.2 make Full Site Editing more powerful and refined. With its block-based approach, FSE enables greater design flexibility and consistency across WordPress sites.

New Default Theme


WordPress 6.5.2 introduces a new default theme called Twenty Twenty-Three. This replaces the previous default themes like Twenty Twenty-One and Twenty Twenty.

The new Twenty Twenty-Three theme is built entirely using WordPress’s Full Site Editing capabilities. It utilizes the block editor and makes use of global styles, theme.json, and block patterns.

Some key features of Twenty Twenty-Three:


  • Fully block-based – The theme is built with blocks rather than relying on PHP templates. This allows greater flexibility and customization using the block editor.
  • Responsive design – The theme is optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile experiences out of the box. No extra work needed to make it responsive.
  • Clean, minimalist look – The default styling focuses on simplicity with ample whitespace and easy to read typography.
  • Block patterns – The theme comes with curated block patterns that can be used to quickly add sections like headers, footers, testimonials etc.
  • Global styles – Controls that allow customizing colors, fonts, etc globally. Reduces need for custom CSS.
  • Full site editing menu – Easy access menu to edit any part of the site with the block editor.

Compared to previous default themes, Twenty Twenty-Three offers a more streamlined editing experience by fully utilizing WordPress’s latest features like Full Site Editing. The minimalist design also gives it broader appeal for a wider range of sites.

Block-based Themes

WordPress has been shifting towards block-based themes over the past few years. Block themes allow developers to build themes using WordPress blocks as the fundamental building blocks. This provides a more flexible and modular approach compared to traditional file-based themes.


Some key benefits of block themes include:

  • Reusability – Blocks can be easily reused across different pages and sites. This reduces duplication.
  • Consistency – Using the same set of blocks encourages consistency in design.
  • Customization – Blocks are highly customizable, allowing deeper theme customization.
  • Future proof – As WordPress develops new blocks and phase out old ones, block themes will be better positioned to take advantage of these changes.

WordPress 6.5.2 continues the transition towards block themes. The new default theme, Twenty Twenty-Three, is built as a block theme. There is also a new block-based pattern directory to provide block patterns that can be used across different themes. The shift towards block themes allows for more innovations in theme design and customization going forward.


Pattern Directory

WordPress 6.5.2 introduces the new Pattern Directory which provides a central repository of block patterns that theme developers can leverage to build custom block themes faster.

The Pattern Directory contains a growing collection of common design patterns and page layouts to choose from. Developers can browse and preview the available patterns, select the ones they want, and pull them into their themes with just a few clicks.


Some of the key patterns included in the initial launch of the directory are:

  • Hero Section – A full width section with a large heading and button commonly used at the top of pages.
  • Testimonials – A section showcasing quotes from happy customers.
  • Feature Grid – A responsive grid for showcasing product features or other icons and text.
  • Call to Action – An eye-catching block encouraging visitors to sign up or take another specific action.
  • Pricing Table – A comparison table layout for showcasing product pricing plans.
  • Blog Post Listing – A section displaying article excerpts and featured images.

The Pattern Directory solves a major pain point for theme developers by providing pre-built components they can easily mix and match to create customized designs. This both speeds up the theme creation process and raises the baseline quality of themes overall.

Twenty Twenty-Three Theme


WordPress 6.5.2 introduces a new default theme called Twenty Twenty-Three. This block-based theme provides a modern, flexible foundation for creating websites on WordPress.

The Twenty Twenty-Three theme is designed for simplicity and ease of use. It includes a limited set of design choices to avoid overwhelming new users, while still providing ample options for customization. The goal is to offer a theme that “just works” out of the box for the majority of users.

Some key features of Twenty Twenty-Three include:


  • Responsive design optimized for mobile devices
  • Support for dark mode
  • Custom color options
  • Multiple header and footer layouts
  • Integration with Site Editor for modifying content directly on the frontend
  • Built with Full Site Editing in mind

The new default theme targets new WordPress users who want a simple but flexible base for their site. It provides a clean starting point that can be customized as needed. The streamlined options aim to prevent new users from becoming overwhelmed.

Twenty Twenty-Three also appeals to experienced users who want a minimalist theme to build upon. The block-based structure and Site Editor integration offers advanced capabilities for power users. Overall, it aims to balance simplicity and customization in a modern package.


AI Improvements

WordPress 6.5.2 introduces several AI-powered enhancements that aim to improve the user experience. One of the most notable additions is the improved auto-captioning for images and videos.

The auto-captioning now leverages advanced natural language processing to analyze media files and generate more descriptive and accurate captions. For example, instead of just labeling an image as “man speaking into microphone”, it may describe it as “podcast host discussing topic during live recording”.


This helps make content more accessible, especially for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers. The captions also improve SEO by enhancing image optimization.

Additionally, the new version implements AI search capabilities to better interpret user intent. This allows the search algorithm to match query terms with relevant results, even if the exact keywords are not present. For instance, searching “WP tutorial” can return guides about WordPress tutorials.

Overall, these AI advancements aim to create a more intuitive, user-friendly experience. They demonstrate how WordPress is leveraging artificial intelligence to improve functionality and accessibility without compromising user experience. The refinements may seem minor, but can make a big difference in terms of inclusion, optimization, and satisfaction.


Customization Options

WordPress 6.5.2 offers expanded customization settings and options for users. Developers and users now have improved controls to customize the look and feel of their sites.

Some of the key new customization features include:


  • New site editor settings allow changing font sizes, colors, backgrounds, and more. This makes it easy to tweak the design without coding.
  • Additional CSS classes can be added to any block. This allows advanced customization of individual blocks.
  • New custom templates allow users to define custom page layouts. These can be easily reused for consistent designs.
  • The site editor now has a dedicated Customize screen. This provides a central place to modify styles, layouts, and settings.
  • Additional theme.json properties give developers more options to customize default block styles. This enhances flexibility when building themes.
  • New hooks allow plugins and themes to filter customization settings and options. This improves extensibility.
  • Customization settings can now be previewed in real-time before publishing changes. This streamlines design workflows.

The improved customization capabilities in WordPress 6.5.2 empower both users and developers. Sites can now be easily tailored to match specific branding needs without extensive coding expertise. These features help make WordPress more accessible for customizing professional site designs.

Additional Features

WordPress 6.5.2 comes with several other notable new features and changes beyond Full Site Editing and the new default theme. Here’s a brief overview of some of the key highlights:


  • New Widget Management Screen – The widget management screen has been redesigned to be more user-friendly, with drag and drop widgets and sections. This makes it easier to customize sidebars and widget areas.
  • Navigation Menus – The navigation menus editor is now fully block-based, allowing greater flexibility and customization for menus. New blocks like the search block can also be added to menus.
  • Global Styles – Additional global styles have been added to customize things like fonts, colors, buttons, links, and more across an entire site from one central place.
  • Pattern Transformations – Patterns can now be transformed to change their layout or design after they are inserted, giving more flexibility.
  • Auto-Updates – WordPress core auto-updates have been further improved to support more hosting environments and be more reliable.
  • Accessibility – Accessibility is improved with new keyboard shortcuts, color contrast checks, alt text generation and more.
  • Developer Features – There are also many updates aimed at developers like deferred JavaScript loading, custom post type templates, a new wp_get_block_pattern filter and more.

So in summary, WordPress 6.5.2 includes both big changes like Full Site Editing, as well as many smaller enhancements that together add up to a nice improvement for the overall WordPress experience.

WordPress 6.5.2 Conclusion

WordPress 6.5.2 brings some exciting new features and improvements that will shape the future of WordPress. The full site editing capabilities finally allow editing the entire frontend of a site without needing to touch code. This makes WordPress more accessible to non-technical users.


The new default theme, Twenty Twenty-Three, is fully block-based and takes advantage of full site editing. It provides an improved editing experience and more design flexibility. As more block-based themes become available, we’ll see increased customization options without coding.

The addition of the pattern directory gives users a library of pre-designed block patterns to easily add complex layouts. This allows greater design flexibility without needing design skills. The new AI improvements, like automatic image rotations and enhanced search, demonstrate how WordPress is leveraging AI to improve the user experience.


Overall, WordPress 6.5.2 pushes the platform forward as a powerful CMS for creators. The block-editor and full site editing unlock new levels of customization without touching code. As these features mature, WordPress will become an increasingly capable tool for building professional sites. The future looks bright as WordPress continues to evolve!


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